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File extension Details of STD, STEP, STL, DAE, TAP, TCT, TCX, TCT, TPL

File Type:STAAD.Pro import/export file for steel FEA
Category:3D graphics, CAD-CAM file
File Description:File extension used by STAAD.Pro.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  Bentley Systems, Incorporated

STAAD.Pro is the professional’s choice for steel, concrete, timber, aluminum and cold-formed steel design of low and high-rise buildings, culverts, petrochemical plants, tunnels, bridges, piles and much more!

File Type:ISO-10303 STEP product data
Category:3D graphics, CAD-CAM file
File Description:ISO standard for the computer-interpretable representation and exchange of industrial product data. Typically STEP can be used to exchange data between CAD, Computer-aided manufacturing, Computer-aided engineering, Product Data Management/EDM and other CAx systems. STEP is addressing product data from mechanical and electrical design, Geometric dimensioning and tolerancing, analysis and manufacturing, with additional information specific to various industries such as automotive, aerospace, building construction, ship, oil and gas, process plants and others.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  Autodesk, Inc.

AutoCAD® OEM is a CAD development platform that provides tools to build custom AutoCAD-based software products for specific markets and extend design information to users outside the traditional CAD community. You can easily create industry-specific products that offer only the features, commands, menus, and design data that your customers require.

AutoCAD OEM is licensed to independent software developers, corporate developers, and system integrators who need to

  • Deliver a product that requires CAD functionality but is not targeted at traditional CAD users
  • Build products that can read and create DWG files that are fully compatible with AutoCAD DWG files
  • Create host programs that run an application in a child window or through a web page
  • Deliver products with scaled feature sets at scaled price points Provide an AutoCAD-based platform that cannot be customized or extended by end users
  • Replace an aging CAD system and take advantage of new AutoCAD software technologies
File Type:CAD Software solid modeling and prototyping file
Category:3D graphics, CAD-CAM file
File Description:File extension is used by CAD Software applications.

Mime: application/sla
Open Programs:

Rapidform Free Viewer

Company / developer:
  Rapidform, Inc.


Rapidform Basis is a free viewer application for dense point cloud, polygon mesh, NURBS curve & surface data and inspection report. It is a convenient way for both rapidform2006 users and others to review data in any of the 40+ file formats that Rapidform can import natively. It offers the viewing, measurement and information reporting tools of rapidform2006. Using Rapidform Basis, individuals can share data throughout their organization, with the ability to view rapidform2006’s native format, .MDL, including all of the following data entities: Point cloud, polygon mesh, NURBS curves, NURBS surfaces, B-rep solids, notes, reference geometries, Scan-to-CAD comparison deviation plots, Scan-to-CAD sectional deviation plots, annotations, geometric tolerances, dimensions.

In addition to being able to import and view .MDL files, users can access industry standard and proprietary file formats, including:

Industry-standard Formats:
pts, asc, stl, dxf, wrl(VRML), 3ds, obj, 3dm(Rhino), iv(Open Inventor)

3D Scanner Native Formats:
Konica Minolta(.vvd, .cdm, .cam ), 3D Digital(.pmj, .pmjx), Leica Geosystems (.pts), GOM(.view, .cloud), Breuckmann(.bre), Roland DG(.pix), Cyberware(.ply), 3D Scanners(.sab, .sab2), Hymarc(.hym), Scantech(.stb), Perceptron(.sel, .bin), 3rdTech(.rtpi, .xyzi, .xyzrgb), Kreon(.cbk, .grk), EOIS(.xyz), Opton(.xyz, .crs, .lin, .smh, .bin), NEC(.nrf), Surf(.surf), ShapeGrabber(.3pi), Trimble(.soi)

Workgroups use Rapidform free viewer to share information, view 3D models, read inspection results including detailed deviation maps, add notes and freely share information with colleagues. Individual users now have a no-cost product to view and measure dense 3D point cloud data as few other applications can.

File Type:Collada file
Category:3D graphics, CAD-CAM file
File Description:COLLADA is a COLLAborative Design Activity for establishing an interchange file format for interactive 3D applications. Now is standard file format for Khronos applications.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  Stichting Blender Foundation


Blender is the free open source 3D content creation suite, available for all major operating systems under the GNU General Public License.

Blender is a fully integrated 3D graphics creation suite allowing modeling, animation, rendering, post-production, realtime interactive 3D and game creation and playback with cross-platform compatibility - all in one free downloadable package.

File Type:Geopath editor file
Category:3D graphics, CAD-CAM file
File Description:File extension used by Geopath.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:


Geopath for Windows is a fully integrated CAD/CAM system developed with the real machinist in mind. It is easy to learn and easy to use, affordable and a complete tool for all your CNC machines. Geopath was developed by SolutionWare Corp. which has been providing CAD/CAM solutions to machine shops and plants for over 30 years. Welcome to our web site, it provides information for both those interested in purchasing Geopath and the shops already using Geopath.

File Type:Topocad file
Category:3D graphics, CAD-CAM file
File Description:File extension is used by Topocad.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  Chaos Systems AB

Topocad is the CAD system for survey, mapping, design and GIS. It contains several modules.

  • Topocad Base Module
  • Topocad GIS modules
  • Topocad design modules
  • Topocad Field
  • Topocad database connector - for ArcGIS
File Type:TurboCAD drawing as text file
Category:3D graphics, CAD-CAM file
File Description:File extension is used by TurboCAD. Drawing as text file.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  IMSI/Design, LLC.


TurboCAD Pro is the premium design software solution that’s delivered exceptional value to both 2D and 3D users for over twenty years. It’s complete 2D drafting and 3D surface and solid modeling toolset includes many of the most advanced technologies in the industry—ACIS® solid modeling, D-Cubed constraints, and Lightworks® photorealistic rendering. Expert tools for architectural and mechanical design offer greater productivity and enhanced workflow, as does interoperability with nearly 40 CAD and graphic formats.

File Type:TurboCAD template file
Category:3D graphics, CAD-CAM file
File Description:File extension is used by TurboCAD. Template file.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  IMSI/Design, LLC.


TurboCAD Pro is the premium design software solution that’s delivered exceptional value to both 2D and 3D users for over twenty years. It’s complete 2D drafting and 3D surface and solid modeling toolset includes many of the most advanced technologies in the industry—ACIS® solid modeling, D-Cubed constraints, and Lightworks® photorealistic rendering. Expert tools for architectural and mechanical design offer greater productivity and enhanced workflow, as does interoperability with nearly 40 CAD and graphic formats.

File Type:ArchiCAD project template
Category:3D graphics, CAD-CAM file
File Description:Extension used by ArchiCAD for template file.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:


ArchiCAD gives users the ability to create great architecture and increase productivity. From day one, ArchiCAD has been designed by architects for architects, and over the years it has gradually become more and more refined to allow its users to better:

  • Focus on design,
  • Manage change,
  • Evaluate design alternatives,
  • Collaborate,
  • Coordinate.

ArchiCAD® offers a different approach to your workflow process, which gives you more control over your design, while maintaining accuracy and efficiency in documentation. While you raise walls, lay floors, add doors and windows, build stairs and construct roofs this Building Information Authoring Tool creates a central database of 3D model data. From this you can extract all the information needed to completely describe your design - complete plans, sections and elevations, architectural and construction details, Bills of Quantities window/door/finish schedules, renderings, animations and virtual reality scenes. That means while you're designing, ArchiCAD is creating all the project documentation so there's little repetitive and tedious drafting work. And unlike designing in 2D software, the Virtual BuildingTM approach also means that you can make changes at any time maintaining the integrity of your documents, without risking costly errors or costing you productivity.

File Type:CADKEY design file
Category:3D graphics, CAD-CAM file
File Description:File extension is used by CADKEY. Design file.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  Kubotek USA Inc.


KeyCreator is award-winning CAD/CAM software that takes a real geometry approach to 3D modeling. The product earns equal praise for its ability to quickly create design concepts from scratch, make changes to any model in any format, and extract and modify geometry in real-time on imported CAD models.

Download Now: Windows Error Repair Tool

**SmartPCFixer will repair Windows Error and registry data errors on your PC